Welcome to "Mama's Boy Test" Quiz Challenge
Have you ever taken your mother with you on a date?
Your mom has decided to sell her home and wants to move into a retirement community. Would you be okay with this?
Have you ever stopped dating someone because they didn't want to do all the things that your mom does for you?
Your mom does something that really upsets you. What would you do?
Does your mom do your laundry, iron your clothes, or make you dinner?
You've been hit with a flu bug. You're not totally incapacitated, but are congested, achy, and tired. What would you do?
You're dating someone you really like and who really likes you. You think this person could be "the one." Your mom, however, feels differently, and insists that you dump your significant other. Would you end the relationship?
Have you ever told someone that they don't make a particular dish as good as your mom does?
Do you talk to your mom about deeply personal stuff, such as your sex life?
Do you check with your mom before making major decisions, such as buying a car or home, accepting a job offer, or getting married?