Finance Tips

  • by Financial Samurai
    This guest post is by Vaughn, a long-time Financial Samurai reader who retired at 44 and is now 55. Vaughn's early retirement was driven by necessity rather than choice due to a congenital bone disease. Fortunately, his high income during his working years secured a solid SSDI benefit, and his mother’s foresight provided future rental […]
  • by Financial Samurai
    One of the worst experiences for a homeowner is filing a home insurance claim only to be told it's not covered. After years of paying premiums, the insurance company doesn't deliver when it's needed most. What a disappointment. This disconnect happens because we rarely take the time to review our home insurance policies each year. […]
  • by Financial Samurai
    There are two things most financially-conscience people aspire to: retiring rich or retiring early. But which is better? Many people who haven't retired believe early retirement sounds fantastic, especially since so many are disengaged from work. On the other hand, who wouldn’t want to retire rich? However, to retire rich, you typically have to work […]
  • by Financial Samurai
    Retiring early with a severance package is one of the smartest ways to leave the corporate world. Walking away without trying to secure one could leave tens of thousands, or even millions, on the table. I also believe that retiring early is better than retiring rich. For those who choose my preferred retirement path, negotiating […]
  • by Financial Samurai
    As a parent, your top priority is to protect your children until they are old enough to fend for themselves. Protecting your children requires good health, being alive, having resources, self-defense skills, and using common sense. If you’re missing one of these, the chances of your children and partner being harmed go up. After a […]
  • by Financial Samurai
    For over 10 years, my father has been my primary editor on Financial Samurai. When my father isn't available, my wife steps in. This system has allowed me to maintain a consistent publishing schedule of three quality posts a week. Typically, I spend 1.5–3 hours writing a post. Then, my father spends 1–1.5 hours editing […]
  • by Financial Samurai
    One of the most significant developments to come out of the pandemic, if not the greatest, was the shift to remote work for millions of employees. Beginning in March 2020, businesses quickly adapted out of necessity, keeping their operations afloat with employees working in pajamas from their living rooms. However, this golden era of remote […]