There are ways for guys to hide their sexual inexperience. This advice can help fool even the savviest lover.
Having sex for the first time can trigger a significant amount of anxiety and fear, particularly for guys who often feel the pressure to perform. This situation may lead them to look for ways for guys to hide their sexual inexperience.
With time comes experience, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Start by learning more about your body, the opposite sex, and gain as much knowledge as you can about sex in general. This will help you gain some confidence and know-how so that you don’t end up making a total fool out of yourself. [Read: 46 expert-level tips & secrets to be a better lover and feel amazing in bed]
So, You’re Inexperienced
So, you’re getting hot and heavy with this girl, and things are progressing. You know it’s about to happen, but there’s this nagging feeling at the back of your mind – you’re inexperienced. In a world where there’s so much talk about male sexual prowess, this can feel like a daunting revelation.
Guys often face immense pressure from societal expectations and media portrayals to not only be skilled in bed but also to be confident about it. This pressure can lead to a lot of anxiety and self-doubt, especially if you’re still finding your footing in the sexual arena.
The reality is, being inexperienced in sex is entirely normal and okay. Despite what movies, TV shows, and locker room talk would have you believe, not every guy is a Casanova by default. [Read: Is he a womanizer? 40 philandering signs to watch & ways to deal with him]
In fact, everyone starts somewhere. The idea that all men should inherently know how to be great lovers is a misleading stereotype that disregards the natural learning curve of sexual experiences.
You might feel the urge to learn how to fake being experienced at sex. While it’s important to appear confident, remember that true confidence comes from being comfortable with yourself, including your experience level.
Faking experience can lead to more anxiety and potentially awkward situations. It’s more beneficial to focus on being present, attentive, and communicative with your partner. After all, sexual experiences are not just about showcasing skills; they’re about connection, exploration, and mutual enjoyment.
How to Fake Being Experienced at Sex
Don’t be too concerned, though. There is little room for error, considering sex is a natural thing that people have been doing long before porn or the internet existed. Here are some ways you can make it look like you’ve got some experience, even if you are a virgin.
1. Keep it to Yourself
The point of you reading this feature is to convince her that you’ve got some experience under your belt, right? So you obviously won’t tell her it’s your first time. But don’t go the opposite route by telling her that you’ve had sex with scores of other women.
Men who feel the need to brag about their sexual experience only look like they’re compensating for the lack of it.
2. Get Some Visual Knowledge
What I’m referring to here is pornographic material. Watching porn is one of the most helpful resources for learning about the ins and outs of sex *pun intended*.
Since porn is overly dramatized, it’s best not to try everything you see just yet. Stick to the basics, and learn the technique, so that when it comes to real life, you will know what to expect. [Read: 13 non-porn erotic movies to turn you on]
3. Practice on Yourself
Masturbation, with or without the use of porn, can be extremely helpful in getting you to really know your body. It can also help train you to last longer, even though it isn’t with a real person.
But at least you can work on practicing and visualizing having sex in real life. Getting to know your body will give you an advantage ahead of time. [Read: How to last longer in bed: 34 sex secrets for men to go long & hard]
4. Research
Learn what women like through various resources online. You don’t need to go as far as learning BDSM, or mapping out her g-spot, u-spot, or every other spot known *or unknown* to man. Most experienced men don’t even know half of those things or how to stimulate them.
Online forums can also give you an insight into what people experienced during their first time having sex, and this will remind you that there’s really nothing to worry about.
5. Know the Basics
The basics of sex are first and foremost. Learn what turns her on, where her erogenous zones are, how her anatomy works, and how you can please her.
You want to look like you’re experienced, but never so experienced that you’ve slept with thousands of women before her. Use this guide on 8 tips and tricks to give her oral sex like a pro, in case you are totally clueless in that department as well.
6. Go Slow With Oral
In terms of oral sex, don’t jump into it full force, since you could hurt her or over-stimulate too fast. Start slow, and pay attention to her verbal and non-verbal cues regarding what works and what doesn’t.
Don’t be offended if she suggests you do something different since she would know her own body better than any guy ever could. Jumping in too aggressively in an attempt to look like a pro could really make you look like you have no idea what you’re doing. [Read: Where to kiss a girl: 15 sexiest hot spots to arouse her instantly]
7. Refrain from Talking Too Much During Sex
Throwing in a few manly moans is actually welcome, as it shows that you’re into it, but having full-blown conversations during sex will kill the act.
Asking “how does it feel?” more than a couple of times during the same position is unwelcome. Going crazy with the moans is also turn-offish, and giving off any impression that you are surprised by any part of the act will blow your cover.
Stay cool. It’s perfectly fine to ask if she’s comfortable or if something you are doing feels good, but don’t go overboard. [Read: How to dirty talk: 36 sexy tips & 55 examples to turn anyone on with words]
8. No Post-sex Interrogation
The last thing a woman is expecting after sex is an interrogation session of “was it good for you?” Proceeding to ask “was it better than the last guy?” or “what was your favorite part?” will make you scream amateur. She probably just wants to cuddle or lay there for a minute.
Don’t be overly concerned with how it was since you will usually know by her non-verbal communication anyway. If not, you’ll know for sure if she comes around for a second time. [Read: 42 secrets to satisfy a woman in bed & make her wet just thinking of you]
9. Have Impeccable Hygiene
Nothing is worse than a guy who smells of body odor or has bad breath while you are both in bed together. It doesn’t make you seem experienced when you didn’t even know that showering and brushing your teeth is common courtesy before sex.
Taking a shower, brushing your teeth, putting on cologne, deodorant, and clean underwear are the basics of good hygiene.
10. Get Your Grooming in Check
Having an ungroomed man bush down there will make you look inexperienced. Pubes that are too long just scream wild and free in the wrong ways. It’s also not always the best environment to have sex if there’s too much hair in the way.
Some women may also associate extra hair with bad hygiene and find it cringe-worthy. [Read: Sex for the first time: 37 must-knows & secrets about losing your virginity]
11. Understand and Pay Attention to Body Language
Body language speaks volumes in the bedroom. If you’re aiming to appear experienced, it’s crucial to read and respond to your partner’s non-verbal cues. Pay attention to their reactions to your touch and movements.
Being aware can guide you on what they enjoy, allowing you to respond appropriately. Remember, being attuned to your partner’s needs and comfort can often be more impressive than just knowing specific techniques.
12. Maintain a Balanced Pace
It’s not just about speed or endurance. To fake being experienced at sex, focus on finding a rhythm that works for both you and your partner.
Rushing can be a tell-tale sign of nervousness or inexperience, while going too slow may seem hesitant. Striking a balance shows confidence and attentiveness, key traits in a seasoned lover.
13. Use Your Breath Wisely
Your breathing can be a powerful tool in the bedroom. Controlled and purposeful breathing not only helps in managing your excitement levels but also sets a sensual mood. It’s a subtle way to demonstrate that you’re in tune with the moment, a trait often associated with sexual experience. [Read: Holotropic breathwork: What it is, 31 ways to try it, risks & BIG benefits]
14. Display Confidence Through Posture
The way you carry yourself is important. Stand tall, move confidently, and make purposeful, not hurried, movements. This type of body language subtly suggests that you are comfortable and confident in your abilities, which can be perceived as experience.
15. Be Adaptive and Flexible
Being willing to adapt to what your partner enjoys is key. If you notice they like something, continue with it. If not, be willing to change course. Adaptability can make it seem like you’re experienced, as it shows you’re not rigidly sticking to a script.
16. Use Variety in Your Techniques
Mix things up a bit. Don’t stick to one technique for too long. Varying your approach can give the impression that you’re drawing from a wealth of experience. It’s about showing that you have multiple tools in your toolkit and aren’t limited to a single style. [Read: 24 sex tips for men & secrets that make any woman wet & want more]
17. Make Eye Contact
When you’re intimate, eye contact can express a lot of emotions – desire, affection, and connection. But remember, it’s not a staring contest.
Constant, unbroken eye contact might come off as too intense, maybe even a bit unsettling. Instead, aim for gentle, intermittent glances that convey your interest and presence without overwhelming your partner. [Read: After sex: Post-sex rules and rituals everyone HAS to follow]
18. Learn to Set the Scene
Setting the right mood and environment shows thoughtfulness and expertise. This can be as simple as dimming the lights, playing some soft music, or ensuring the room is comfortable.
It’s about creating an ambiance that enhances the experience, a move often associated with seasoned understanding.
19. Be Attentive Afterward
Your behavior after sex is as important as during. Being caring and attentive post-intimacy can give off an air of experience.
It shows that you understand sex isn’t just a physical act but an emotional one, and you’re considerate about the entire experience.
21. Don’t Cling After Sex
It’s really easy to feel connected to someone after sex, but an experienced guy usually won’t get all clingy after sex if he’s confident about his performance. You want to mimic this quiet confidence by making her come to you, not the other way around. No obsessive phone calls or random visits. Stay in touch, but let her take care of the rest.
Girls tend to want someone with experience but this shouldn’t scare you because it is pretty easy to fake it. Even if you missed the mark on the first try, if things went well, you have plenty of time to try again. [Read: 42 secrets to satisfy a woman in bed & make her wet just thinking of you]
Don’t Worry About it Too Much
It’s indeed a bit worrying, isn’t it? Stepping into an intimate experience for the first time can be daunting. The pressure to appear more experienced is a common concern for many, and you’re not alone if you’re feeling this way.
While you might find tips on how to fake being experienced at sex helpful in certain scenarios, nothing beats the genuine learning that comes with real experiences. Just like everything else in life, your confidence and skills in the bedroom will grow and develop over time.
[Read: Steps to get back your body confidence in the bedroom]
So, take these tips on ways for guys to hide their sexual inexperience as a starting point, but always strive for authenticity and genuine connection in your intimate moments.
The post 21 Foolproof Ways For Guys to Hide Their Sexual Inexperience is the original content of LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.